WordPress JQuery Accordion

So I’ve been tinkering with JQuery this weekend and have built a function for WordPress to display a JQuery accordion of a certain number of posts from a certain category – Title and Excerpt details.
It also can be used across both pages and posts using a shortcode.
Update – I have built a WordPress plugin to run this function and shortcode, and have created its own page here for download and instructions. It is now retired.

6 responses

  1. Hello Jeff

    I do not see anything new you have done – basically you have taken JQuery (which does all the work for you) and applied it to WordPress. Kind of like connecting a trailer to your car. You far from built the trailer from scratch…

    Rather stick to wordpress themes 😉

    1. Hi Alistar
      Thanks for the candid comment 🙂 always appreciate it – but yes, the idea was to keep it simple. Nothing fancy – jquery does all the hard work for me. In all fairness this was built for a specific purpose/request so hopefully someone will find it useful. The only thing it really is useful for at the moment is for someone not using jquery in their theme. No plans to add it to the wordpress repo, unless I have time to build most of the extra stuff I *wishlisted* 🙂 oh, glad I could provide you with a trailer 😛

  2. Can you expand this? I don’t really get the idea where to put the code:

    3. Use the shortcode [jqueryaccordion posts=”3″ category=”Featured”] in your posts to display the accordion

  3. David H Avatar
    David H

    In WordPress if you Create a New Page or Post or Modify an existing Page or Post in the actual text of the page, even if you are using the Visual Editor you drop in or write in (literally)

    [jqueryaccordion posts=”3″ category=”Featured”]

    The accordion panels will visually display in the text of that Page or Post when you click the Update button.

    If you make the number “6” you will see six accordion tabs. Instead of “Featured” you can type in another existing Posts category.

  4. kannabiran Avatar


    This plugin was very useful for my site , but i have small issue .. If i click tab the content space is overflow (ie .. The hieght of content pane is 64333px default..how to i stop it …



  5. I was very excited to find this plug-in. It took me days to realize there were no additional settings. Then I finally found this page and was hopeful that using
    [jqueryaccordion posts=”3″ category=”Featured”]
    would allow me to list one category with all the post titles in it. I changed the category to the correct word. I don’t see anything at all unless I put the widget in the sidebar and this new code does not change what it displays. It just displays my entire list (as deep as the number I set). I’d LOVE to be able to use this to list one category (city) which has a list of sub-categories. Is there a way to do what I want? The site is under development with this widget located on this page (in the body) http://dev.hoffmangraphics.com/announcements. You can see it’s not displaying just cities.

    If you look in the bottom of the left sidebar you’ll see a choose city drop down. Each of those cities leads to a page listing all posts in the city’s category. What I was going for was a way to create a page that lists all the cities and each one drops down to display the names of the organizations listed in that category.

    Thanks for your help.

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