Designing a Wall of Code

At the end of September 2020 my sister Jennifer Pearce who is a Deputy Headteacher at Cooks Spinney Primary Academy and Nursery in the UK, reached out to me about designing a wall of code for the school’s computer centre. What they envisioned was a piece of code printed onto the walls of the computer centre, but that the code had some meaning behind it.

After thinking about it I realized that I could apply some core code concepts into the educational arena pretty easily. Schools have classes….Object Oriented code has classes….that’s a pretty good start!

Interestingly enough, one of the ideas that they put forth was the Code is Poetry example that permeates the WordPress project 🙂 pretty cool to see how widespread that idea is now!

Ultimately I think it came out fantastic! My sister was kind enough to take some photos and video for me of the finished product – hopefully one day I can go visit the school in person 🙂 and I hope the children find it inspiring!

The final JPG’s and PNG’s at 1x and 2x are below.

PDF download if that’s your preference 🙂

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