WooTumblog WordPress Plugin

For those who follow WooThemes, you will no doubt have seen our Tumblog Themes such as Cinch and Crisp, and will know that they give you similar functionality to a tumblr style blog from within WordPress. So if you didn’t buy one of our tumblog themes you wouldn’t be able to have that functionality, but now you can for FREE! In addition to this, you can buy the Express for WordPress iPhone app and publish content to your Tumblog enabled WordPress blog right from your iPhone!! See the official announcement page here: http://www.woothemes.com/2010/10/tumbling-along/

Download the WooTumblog Plugin from the WordPress repository (or search for it within your WordPress site) here: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/woo-tumblog/ and you can read the app and plugin documentation here: http://express-app.com/documentation/

Update: This product has been retired.

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