Ghost Reporting

So late last week, over at WooThemes, we released a free theme for the latest content publishing platform, Ghost, and it’s rather appropriately called “Swayze” (in honour of Patrick Swayze’s appearance in the movie “Ghost“).

For those that don’t know, Ghost is a platform built on top of NodeJS mostly using the Express framework. Now I’ve been dabbling in Node at Woo, building stuff for our support staff in the Zendesk support platform, as well as another internal system that I’m (still) trying to master.

However, building themes for Ghost is actually quite a simple process! All you really need to do is read the docs 🙂 and learn how to use the Handlebars framework. That’s it! My part in the process of releasing the theme was simple – after Cobus had build the design into straight HTML markup, I learnt the templating system and converted the html into the .hbs layouts and integrated the Ghost and Handlebars tags.

Go check it out here and let me know what you think!

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